E-Ganna Mobile App by Amity Crosses 3,994,245 Downloads

E-Ganna is a mobile application developed for sugarcane farmers registered under Sugar Industry & Cane Development Department of Uttar Pradesh government.
It is with great pride that Amity Software Systems Limited announces that ‘E-Ganna’ mobile application developed by us has crossed 3,994,245 downloads on the play store.
Web-based solutions are one of the rising technologies of the 21st century that is helping businesses and government sectors alike. One such web-based software solution has been developed for the Sugar Industry & Cane Development Department, Government of Uttar Pradesh, to simplify the purchy distribution system in the state and make it transparent.
Amity Software Systems Limited developed the web portal and mobile application titled ‘E-Ganna’ for use by the sugarcane farmers in the state. According to reports, there are over 5M sugarcane farmers registered with the state and 20% of them are using our mobile application.